
Environmental protection is of paramount importance to us

Freiberger is located in a region with a long mining tradition, where human intervention in nature is omnipresent. Environmental protection is therefore of fundamental importance to us in order to show that success does not have to come at the expense of the environment. However, we do not limit ourselves to the impact of our site on the environment, but also monitor the extent to which our products affect the environment throughout the entire processing chain.

Waste Avoidance & Recycling

It is Freiberger’s philosophy to keep the volume of waste generated in the company’s processes at a minimum. We endeavor to collect GaAs and all other process materials in the various process steps and channel them back into the production cycle. Here, we include also wastes from the processes of our customers.

Applying cleaning and recycling processes specifically tailored for this purpose enables us to cover about 30 - 70% of our demand for metallic raw materials from recycled GaAs. Sludge, emerging in the production processes is also collected and reprocessed. The recovery of gallium is carried out by business partners on contractual basis.

Waste Water Treatment

All processes for the production of GaAs require the use of water and chemicals. The resulting waste water undergoes several complex cleaning steps to ensure consumption of resources at the lowest possible levels and compliance with the severe limit values for discharging water into public systems.

Energy Management

Our energy management systematically records, analyzes and controls the energy consumption in the company. We focus our efforts on optimizing energy consumption by identifying saving potentials and thus continuously reducing the company’s expenditure on energy.

Combined Heat and Power Unit (CHP): Since 2011, we are operating a combined heat power unit to generate electricity in the company. The cogenerated heat is also used in the company.

Energy Saxony focusses on the implementation of innovative sustainable energy technologies which enable new products and services. As Saxony moves to greater use of sustainable energy, the organization hopes to make an economic contribution to the region.

Sony Green Partner

We are committed to the protection of the environment and conservation of natural resources. In our processes and technologies we attach particular importance to sustainability and environmentally friendly, economical use of raw materials and supplies.

Freiberger is member of the Environmental Alliance Saxony and complies with the requirements of the environment standards applying worldwide in the semiconductor industry. This is duly appreciated by our customers. For example, Sony audited Freiberger and awarded us the “Sony Green Partner Status“.


Freiberger fully supports the purpose of the European Chemicals Regulation No. 1907/2006 REACh (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) for the safe handling of chemicals and a controllable risk for humans and environment.

Freiberger is aware of its responsibility and duties towards employees, suppliers and customers. Our chemicals management considers these aspects and ensures compliance with all legal provisions. We are in constant dialogue with our customers and suppliers and proactively inform about modifications concerning our products.

Freiberger does not use substances of very high concern (SVHC). We monitor very closely all current events on the EU level.

In my job, the tasks change every day. It is demanding but never monotonous and the company offers good opportunities for my further development.

Jürgen Heinrich, Mechanic, Technical Service